At some time, in some way, we must all face the end of life. And most of us share a common hope – that when death comes to us or to a loved one, it will be peaceful and free of pain. We hope to face death surrounded by those we love, feeling safe, comfortable and cared for.
Our vision is a not-for-profit organization that is committed to providing compassionate, holistic care to people with a terminal illness and their loved ones. A facility that can address the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of people approaching death and provide support to family and close friends. Our facility offers expert pain and symptom management so that physical suffering is relieved.
There is a self-contained spacious suite for each patient with a state-of-the-art bed, individual temperature controls, en suite bathroom, mini fridge, double bed sofa, and dressers to store personal belongings. There is a large common living room area with a television, beautiful fire place, and an adjacent kitchen that looks onto the patio and garden. Our Spa Room has a state-of-the-art fully accessible jet tub and warming cupboard for blankets and towels. There are two self-contained Family Rooms located on each wing providing a space for guests, families and friends to rest, play games, or watch television while staying near their loved one. All family rooms, common area, and guest suites have their own windows to open for fresh air.
There is a Quiet Room for contemplation, meditation, prayer, gatherings, and celebrations. There are expert care providers (Health Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Continuing Care Aides) who are committed to personalizing and humanizing the end-of-life experience. Hospitality Staff provide home-cooked meals for each guest and cleaning services for guest suites and common areas.
The Rose Garden Hospice Association is comprised of a group of volunteer board members committed to the governance, vision, and mission of our hospice. The administrative staff (Business Manager, Community Engagement & Fundraising Coordinator, and Clinical Supervisor) are part of the operation of the hospice. There is a large body of volunteers committed to the successful operation of the hospice who assist with individual care, raising awareness, advocating for support, raising capital and operational funds. Community members, service clubs, businesses, municipal and provincial governments are supportive.